GEN X bears the Debt Burden … the Cost of Buying a Home has increased by 130%

MEANWHILE … many GEN Y and Z are locked out


-the family home is an expense rather than an asset

IT’S TIME NOW the MORRISON GOVT addressed this!

IN fact the Liables have put the financial security of not only GENS X Y & Z but also 60% of Boomer and Silent Generations at risk … because many have had to re-mortgage, or downsize to release equity; taking on default risk by standing as Guarantor for their first-time buyer families

-in 2010 the proportion was less than five per cent!

-the lowest wages growth since 2013 has worsened the problem  

-high household debt creates the ‘debt overhang effect’ and reduces consumer spending


The cost of buying a home has increased by 130 per cent over two generations and Generation X is bearing the debt burden

What will a new ‘Vibrant’ Urban Community mean for Macarthur?

May be an image of text that says 'M MACARTHUR HEIGHTS Final land release coming soon'


BEYOND the glossy brochure for ‘Macarthur Heights’

THE FEDS high immigration population PONZI scheme … under the Cover of COVID … providing even more customers for developers.

For Overdevelopment, Traffic Congestion AND Environmental Destruction!

This new development is south-west of Campbelltown, estimated 32 minute drive via the Menangle Road and Old Hume Highway.

What would the locals say about more traffic for these roads?

Expensive with lots priced from $400,000 to $500,000 … how many Gens Y and Z can come up with a deposit … but do our governments care?

It would seem they have covered their bases … through online real estate shopping and the Onshore Proxy because the Feds maintain the loopholes, and black money is awash in our real estate

Related article:

What will the End Stage of the Sydney Metro mean?

What will the End Stage of the Sydney Metro mean?

WHAT will the end stage of the Sydney Metro mean?

It would seem that conveniently ‘Under the cover of Covid’ the planning is well underway for ‘A Nine (9) Million Sydney’

the $8Bn WSA line, the final stage of the $27Bn Sydney Metro network; additional 23 Km of railway approved

-almost 50 stations more than 100 Kms of track to carry 40,000 commuters per hour

-Tallawong to Chatswood line is already operational

-Sydney Metro West, a State Significant infrastructure project to service Westmead, Greater Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, The Bays Precinct and the Sydney CBD

.and North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock

-expected to handle 10 million passengers a year;  and 82 million travellers by the 2060s

-to service Bradfield, planned 3rd city of Sydney; site north of Bringelly

.June 2021 received $1.15Bn commitment from NSW INC coffers

.massive 1780ha site to destroy bushland and paddocks for a hub of international travel, advanced manufacturing and skilled education

-to support around 14,000 jobs, including ‘a mere 250 apprentices’


‘Final Stage of $27bn Sydney Metro Approved’

The Sheriff of Nothing Done … really?

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'The Sheriff of Nothingdone'

Image: Shared from Social Media

The Sheriff of Nothing Done … really?

IT would seem ‘nothing done’ of what shoulda have been done …

BUT lots of what should never have been done!

Scomo wrote the policy for the deve-loper lobby the Property Council of Australia before entering politics; the industry now has direct control of the country …

SEARCH for ‘A closer look at Scott Morrison’s CV’

how Scomo parachuted into Cook

a closer look at Scott Morrison’s CV

Morrison Government exempted Real Estate Gatekeepers from Anti-Money Laundering Laws: October 2018

why does Scomo back high immigration esp. through temporary migration like that introduced by Howard?

Scott Morrison backs big Australia at COAG’

State Significant Approval for Deicorp’s Tallawong Village

LANDCOM Appoints Developer for SYDNEY METRO: Tallawong Station Housing Project
CAAN Photo of the Tallawong Village site 2018/2019

*DEICORP is about to start work on its largest project to date … $332M Tallawong Village after gaining STATE SIGNIFICANT approval for a SEVENTEEN (17)-building development in Sydney’s north-west … next to the Sydney Metro Tallawong Station.

WILL Planning Minister Stokes, having said that, ‘increasing our housing supply …. to provide more opportunities for first home buyers to get into the market’, will he be speaking to the PM to enquire about putting a stop to the FIRB ruling allowing deve-lopers to sell 100% of ‘new homes’ to foreign buyers particularly in China? Or from Hong Kong … Singapore?

-of the 987 homes in Tallawong Village; a mere 50 would be affordable housing


Deicorp’s $332m Tallawong Village Wins Approval

For a little background on Deicorp … no doubt the Building Commissioner will be aware …

In 2020:

In 2019:

WHY is the Housing Market Insane and Out of Reach for Young Australians?

The exclusive survey, conducted for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age by research company RESOLVE Strategic,* heard from voters who had attended housing auctions this year, and came away saying “people were in shock” from the surge in prices.

*RESOLVE is a company with strong links to the Liberal Party founded by Mr Reed, a director of CT Group formerly CROSBY TEXTOR

IS the Liberal Party now worried with …

-69% of those surveyed now realize the high house prices cannot be good for Australia

60% of voters saying young people in their area will never be able to buy their own homes

… are they now realizing that the government grants and low interest rates have in fact benefited the banks, developers, home sellers, real estate agents … not buyers hit with escalating house prices?

KEY POINTS WE GLEAN FROM THE COMMENTATORS … have a think about these BECAUSE they make more sense!

-AUSTRALIA is badly exposed to winds of international interest rate moves; interest rates are picking up in the U.S. now clouds on the horizon for mortgagees

your home rises in value; to buy back into the same market even if downsizing the gains are meaningless; in fact likely they disappear!

-it is just MONOPOLY MONEY

‘retirement villages’ don’t just cost a motza to buy into; they cost a fortune in ongoing fees so what you gained from the sale of your home will be eaten up

-this Government are positioning us to make sure that the average person exhausts their ‘wealth’ while still alive through reverse mortgages etc.

-serious action is needed to shift ownership back to owners; not investors

.how about allowing owner-occupiers to make 50% of their mortgage payments out of pre-tax income?

Torrens Title housing and apartments are unaffordable in the eastern suburbs, north and lower north shore suburbs, inner west suburbs due to close proximity to Sydney CBD

-Torrens Title housing in south-west Sydney also has become unaffordable; land releases here have led to loss of our peri urban farmlands (our Sydney Foodbowl), flora and fauna and koala habitat

.with inadequate infrastructure esp. sewerage

-north west Sydney land and house prices also surging despite much of this land being flood prone

-the Liberal Party played to the greed of negative gearing beneficiaries, capital gains discounts and the free from tax retirees (dividend imputation – aka franking credits – free money)

-PM Howard started this with the “first home owner’s grant” of $14,000 that saw house prices rise three times

-the system is rigged by the wealthy who avoid tax and acquire property after property paid for by their tenants; thus making the young and poor subsidise them

-one personal Super Fund (one individual) has more than $560M in Super; no tax!

-regional Australians are also experiencing high housing costs along with costly and scarce rental homes

-the RBA is wilfully pursuing monetary policy which destroys future growth, at little or no benefit to the economy now

we need a new paradigm for home “ownership”. Why should young people looking for shelter and security have to compete with the already rich wanting an investment?

-something is desperately wrong in our economy when non productive assets (housing) attract so much attention and productive assets (a business e.g. in hospitality) are allowed to fail

too many incentives for investors incl. foreign investors with too many decision makers benefiting

-our young people need ‘a Fair Go’; they are the future!

WILL Voters make the connection?

… Imagine if Labor had won the last Federal Election in 2019, and implemented the whole suite of its policies around Housing Affordability?

How different would it be now?

Sadly Labor is not likely to repeat this, and we now have what we have!

A return to the pre-War inequity of Home Ownership

VIEW THE GRAPH; we were not able to copy it!!

NSW Inc Sydney Rezoning Blitzkrieg

SYDNEY REZONING BLITZ for more than 16,000 homes, and a new industrial precinct including:

-2400 new homes for Leppington Precinct stages two and five

-7000 homes for Lowes Creek Maryland

-7000 homes in Glenfield around Hurlstone Agricultural High School

AND …  NSW government endorsed Camden’s Local Housing Strategy to enable the council to meet the future housing needs of the community

The NSW Government has accelerated the rezonings for the next BOOM for deve-lopers … the Greenfield Housing Sites released allegedly, a result of the Pandemic!

How convenient for deve-lopers feeling the heat from the Building Commissioner, and loss of insurance coverage perhaps?

Greenfield Sites’ sounds good, doesn’t it? But will it mean under the Greenfield Housing Code … lots as tiny as 200M2 X 6M wide, and with a maximum gross floor area 78% of the lot size … ?

Perhaps street trees may grow?  Will any surrounding bushlands remain? 

This Code commenced on 6 July 2018 … introduced by then Planning Minister, Anthony Roberts

HOW have we come to this land and housing supply shortage?

Was it due to the deve-loper led FIRB ruling allowing them to sell 100% of ‘new homes’ overseas particularly in China?

With our housing now awash with ‘Black Money’ … because the Real Estate Gatekeepers were made exempt from the second tranche of the Anti-Money Laundering Laws in October 2018 by the Morrison Government.


While we are preoccupied with the Pandemic Who is buying in Vaucluse?

Investor Ying Yu has added to her already hefty property portfolio, buying an $8 million house in Vaucluse on the quiet to create a family compound on a prime hillside holding with gun-barrel Harbour Bridge views at a total cost of more than $32 million.

Is Ying an onshore Proxy?  Her registered home remains the Mosman residence.

-in September 2019 she purchased a 9-storey building in North Sydney;  George Patterson House, for $115M.

-October 2019 Mosman trophy home for $20M from Wilson Xue, known as China’s ‘Shoe King’; and an advisor to Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China

-2020 a Vaucluse mansion with a tennis court and swimming pool for $17.5M, and the house next door for $7M

Yu’s $32.55M parcel of three houses in Vaucluse and her Mosman property were all purchased without any finance

Yu’s Vaucluse parcel of more than 2200 square metres


Little-known property investor quietly secures $32m housing parcel in Vaucluse

Related Articles: 

View this and the link to Su-Lin Tan’s article:

According to Juwai, Monica Tu and Martin North they are still buying! What will slow them down will be the Delta strain.

A Few Words on Su-Lin Tan’s ‘Chinese Buyers Abandon Australia’s Housing’

Residential housing in Sydney. Home prices in Australia are booming again, despite a drop in the number of Chinese buyers. Photo: EPA

Photo: EPA

IS it a case of collective amnesia that we keep deleting from our understanding that somehow we ought apologise for being in any way critical of a Communist dictatorship?

And those that uphold it, and defend it ought to be immune from any criticism?

How is it we are having to defend our position
as one of the majority of countries that happen to be liberal democracies?

How is it our media and our political system are inherently wrong?
  And how dare they be cynical of so-called ‘investment’ in Australia’s domestic real estate when in such totalitarian countries it is prohibited?

Monika Tu, founder and director of Black Diamondz Property, whose clients are mainly Chinese citizens with ‘Australian residency’ working and living abroad, predicts that when the borders open they will flood back in … some are seeking $10M home. 

But will they be seeking our detached homes with large land lots in green suburbs too? Hm …. Will they be coming from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom too?

Once again the ‘exchange rate’ is in their favour!

And, they are seeking larger apartments to live in, to retire in Australia, or to send their children to study. 

Martin North, Digital Finance Analytics, also notes ‘there’s been a swing away from foreigners looking to invest to people wanting to move here.’ And that they are more interested in buying land and larger properties!

Why is every criticism labelled as a racist attack?  When what is happening in Australia is a Ponzi Scheme!

Besides how can the democracies be criticised when what is happening in Tibet and Western China somehow is okay?

Then there are these local academics having their say, well where’s the proof?  Where is the peer reviewed data?

Are we witnessing those locked in to a university business model currying favour with their patrons and overseas contacts in the hope the foreign student money making machine returns to their campus rather than elsewhere?

Further, these articles critical of foreigners buying Australia’s domestic housing are also being critical of OUR GOVERNMENT for allowing it to happen!

What country could justify the purchase of housing by foreigners over their own people?

Some of us remember an Australia before the high immigration through Visa Manipulation introduced by the Howard Government when we had 70 per cent home ownership for Australians!!!  Our housing was not sold overseas, and we had sustainable permanent migration of 70,000 per annum!

Does the reader get the impression this article from Su-Lin Tan is attempting to justify a view that there is a sense of entitlement prevailing? 

That those from the Middle Kingdom should not be faced by any impediment if they choose to buy housing in Australia?

Heaven forbid should an Australian wish to buy housing over there – it simply won’t happen!

This belief in being ‘special’ is there too, and that is mainly our fault, or at least a reflection of the stupidity of our policy makers.

It did not apply to them !!!!!

Of course, we are going to see more articles like this, pouring scorn on those who dare to challenge what is happening to our domestic housing market, but this is what we do here, they don’t over there!

Besides what ‘country’ would be defending those who are leaving, and spending their money elsewhere?  Could it be it is part of a bigger plan? *

WE suggest there is more to this than meets the eye!


Su-Lin Tan joined the Post in 2020 after the Australian Financial Review where she covered housing and commercial property, Asian business and street talk and investigations.

