WHY is our Media attacking the Albanese Government about the HOUSING CRISIS that has long been in the making by the COALITION

PHOTO: John and Janette Howard with first home buyer Ivan Kenny-Sumija and his family at their under construction Rowville home during the 2001 Aston byelection campaign.CREDIT:AAP

WHY is our Media attacking the Albanese Government about the HOUSING CRISIS that has long been in the making by the COALITION?

Apart from our Media being largely privately owned, and our ABC which promotes that their reporting is verified yet it appears our ABC Journalists are not able to tell the whole story – why is this so?

– there seems to be an inappropriate campaign – a blame game directed at the Albanese Government

  • Lots and lots of investment in this by a disgruntled lot that want much more of the same that locked out our families, and has seriously damaged social cohesion, and much more!

HOWEVER in fact much has been written about how our Housing Market was destroyed when JOHN HOWARD ended routine public home building in 1996. 

Legislative Assembly Hansard – 06 April 1998

Parliament of NSW

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au › HansardResult

In that budget John Howard also abolished all further rounds of the social housing subsidy program, which was established to provide a 20-year funding stream …


“The government used to invest strongly in social housing, with one in three renters renting from the government up until the mid-eighties,” she said. “That approach worked to keep rents down not just for people on the lowest incomes but also for renters across the board.”

“Over the past few decades, they have moved away from providing housing directly. Instead, they spend billions propping up the private rental market through Commonwealth Rent Assistance with no track record of success. Rental stress keeps going up, including for people who get the payment.”

Social housing was one hell of a missed budget …

The Conversation

8 Oct 2020 — … Howard government effectively ended routine public home building in 1996. Pre-tested, pre-prepared. On a per capital basis, social housing …



How John Howard locked Australians out of home ownership

The Sydney Morning Herald

https://www.smh.com.au › … › Byelection

31 Mar 2023 — Two years ago, a study by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute found that Australian governments had spent more than $20.5 …

 January 2008

Aston byelection: How John Howard locked Australians out of home ownership (smh.com.au)

“Analysis of census data by the bureau of statistics in 2022 showed home ownership for those aged between 25 and 39 had decreased in each successive generation since the 1990s.

PressReader.com – Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions

The Saturday Paper:

‘The Men and Decisions behind Australia’s Housing Crisis’

“ …  the HOUSING CRISIS in Australia can be traced back to a handful of catastrophic policy choices made by JOHN HOWARD and recommended by his friends’.

Since the election of the Coalition Government in 1996 HOUSE PRICES HAD DOUBLED.”

much has been written about how our Housing Market was destroyed when JOHN HOWARD ended routine public home building in 1996. 

THIS took away the competition from the Public Housing Sector, and look at where we are now!

The Centre for Independent Studies blames Planning Rules and Councils for 40% Jumped-up House Prices

The Centre for Independent Studies says planning restrictions have massively contributed to Australia’s housing affordability crisis. Picture: Getty. 

Here’s an article by the usual vested interests saying NEGATIVE GEARING AND THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX DISCOUNT (TAX BENEFITS) is a “trivial” driver of house prices. Of course they’re blaming some thing else like the NSW Planning Rules for boosting property prices as much as 40%.                                        

AND ADDING more than 40% to house prices in Sydney and Melbourne … YET it is reported here that these tax benefits only boost values by between 1% and 4%. 

AND what if the Feds were to cut back on migration the sector would only need to build for Australian First Home Buyers! THAT would amount to a fall in CO2 emissions from the construction materials of concrete, steel and glass.  A win/win! 

AND what of the increased DEMAND through the FIRB Ruling that has allowed developers to sell 100% of their ‘new homes’ to foreign buyers?  Apart from the high migration growth increasing DEMAND? 

HOW come during December 2020 within 3 weeks SYDNEY house prices escalated by $200,000; totalling $500,000 within a few months in 2021?  

NEWS REPORTS of more ‘Homeless’ Australians now sleeping rough in our regions!   

VIEW to learn more about the Board members of the CIS!  With backgrounds in investment banking, merger acquisitions, corporate sector, property law …https://www.cis.org.au/people/board-of-directors

WHY is the board alleging restrictive planning rules are by far the key driver? WHY has it taken so long for the CIS Chief Economist to allege that there needs to be more weight put on the interests of renters and future home buyers after developers demolished and redeveloped much of SYDNEY to cram in ever more foreign buyers and Visa holders? 

The CIS Chief Economist alleges that: 

-the way to unlock more housing lies with state governments overriding local councils, the report said, as is happening in NSW. 

-forcing councils to lift bans on building low- and medium-density housing near transport hubs, town centres and other well-located areas. 

READ MORE! https://www.realestate.com.au/news/planning-rules-blamed-for-boosting-property-prices-as-much-as-40/?fbclid=IwAR07e1VT0V6j4BKrYK1M3JyXYIZO0MFaywW2haZN_T_ZdBvPopZWIC4YbOs

The Centre for Independent Studies blames Planning Rules and Councils for 40% Jumped-up House Prices

The Centre for Independent Studies says planning restrictions have massively contributed to Australia’s housing affordability crisis. Picture: Getty. Here’s an article by the usual vested interests saying NEGATIVE GEARING AND THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX DISCOUNT (TAX BENEFITS) is a “trivial” driver of house prices. Of course they’re blaming some thing else like the NSW Planning Rules for boosting property prices as much as 40%! AND ADDING more than 40% to house prices in Sydney and Melbourne … YET it is reported here that these tax benefits only boost values by between 1% and 4%. AND what if the Feds were to cut back on migration the sector would only need to build for Australian First Home Buyers! THAT would amount to a fall in CO2 emissions from the construction materials of concrete, steel and glass.  A win/win! AND what of the increased DEMAND through the FIRB Ruling that has allowed developers to sell 100% of their ‘new homes’ to foreign buyers?  Apart from the high migration growth increasing DEMAND? HOW come during December 2020 within 3 weeks SYDNEY house prices escalated by $200,000; totalling $500,000 within a few months in 2021?  NEWS REPORTS of more ‘Homeless’ Australians now sleeping rough in our regions!   VIEW to learn more about the Board members of the CIS!  With backgrounds in investment banking, merger acquisitions, corporate sector, property law …https://www.cis.org.au/people/board-of-directors/ WHY is the board alleging restrictive planning rules are by far the key driver? WHY has it taken so long for the CIS Chief Economist to allege that there needs to be more weight put on the interests of renters and future home buyers after developers demolished and redeveloped much of SYDNEY to cram in ever more foreign buyers and Visa holders? The CIS Chief Economist alleges that: -the way to unlock more housing lies with state governments overriding local councils, the report said, as is happening in NSW. -forcing councils to lift bans on building low- and medium-density housing near transport hubs, town centres and other well-located areas. READ MORE! https://www.realestate.com.au/news/planning-rules-blamed-for-boosting-property-prices-as-much-as-40/?fbclid=IwAR07e1VT0V6j4BKrYK1M3JyXYIZO0MFaywW2haZN_T_ZdBvPopZWIC4YbOs